An ampersand is '&'. What about others?
2006-08-29 01:19:30 UTC
Ampersand is on key 7 (that is shift + 7).
What are symbols on other keys known as?

Give technical name like Ampersand for '&'.
Seven answers:
2006-08-29 02:20:39 UTC
The entire top row, not including the Ampersand (&)...

~ Tilde

` Grave Accent

! Exclamation Mark/Exclamation Point

@ Commercial At

# Number Sign/Pound Sign

$ Dollar Sign

% Percent Sign

^ Circumflex Accent

* Asterisk

( Left Parenthesis

) Right Parenthesis

_ Low Line/Underscore

- Hyphen/Minus Sign

+ Plus Sign

= Equals Sign

And some others for good measure...

| Vertical Line

\ Reverse Solidus/Backslash

: Colon

; Semicolon

? Question Mark

/ Solidus/Forward Slash

< Less-Than Sign

> Greater-Than Sign

{ Left Curly Bracket

} Right Curly Bracket

[ Left Square Bracket

] Right Square Bracket

" Quotation Mark

' Apostrophe

, Comma

. Period/Full Stop

God bless.
2006-08-29 08:30:37 UTC
General typography...

ampersand = &

asterisk = *

asterism = ⁂

at = @

backslash = \

bullet = •

caret = ^

currency = ¤ ¢, $, €, £, Â¥

dagger = † ‡

degree = °

interrobang = ‽

number sign = #

percent and related signs = % ‰ ‱

pilcrow = ¶

prime = ′

inverted exclamation point = ¡

inverted question mark = ¿

section sign = §

tilde = ~

umlaut/diaeresis = ¨

underscore/understrike = _

vertical line/pipe/broken bar = | ¦

keys on 9,0??? they r puncuations...

apostrophe = ' ’

brackets = ( ) [ ] { } 〈 〉

colon = :

comma = ,

dashes = ‒ – — ― )

ellipsis = … ...

exclamation mark = !

full stop/period = .

guillemets = « »

hyphen = - ‐

interpunct = ·

question mark = ?

quotation marks = " ‘ ’ “ ”

semicolon = ;

slash/solidus = /
2006-08-29 08:26:29 UTC
~ - tilda

! - bang

@ - at


$ - dollar

% - percentage

^ - carat

* - asterix

Note the octothorpe! It is the real word for it! Derived from early booking mark for a farm with eight fields, usually denoted by number, thus the meaning!

Hash indeed! Octothorpe is the real name!
2006-08-29 08:24:19 UTC
Tilde ~

@ (at sign, no idea of the technical term)

Sharp #

Dollar $

Percent symbol %

Caret ^

Asterisk *
2006-08-29 12:14:14 UTC
you just got the sufficient answers
2006-08-29 08:23:13 UTC
~ - tilda

! - bang

@ - at_the_rate

# - hash

$ - dollar

% - percentage

^ - carat

* - asterix
2006-08-29 08:25:47 UTC
* asterisk** (perenthesis)

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.