conversion of european stone weight to canadian pound weight?
2006-04-04 17:05:29 UTC
example.....270 stone is how many pounds?
Four answers:
2006-04-04 17:19:30 UTC
13.999999603167928888264080464412 lbs (approximately) = 1 stone.

For 'casual' conversions, use 14lb = 1 stone. :)
2017-01-14 13:35:53 UTC
Weight Conversion Pound To Stone
2016-12-18 18:07:11 UTC
the top banks compete with one yet another and, subsequently, won't epidermis you too badly. although, while traveling distant places you should to think of roughly doing it this variety ... get in basic terms sufficient distant places substitute for the 1st day or so and take your direct debit card with you. Then get the distant places money you pick from community ATMs in the cities you flow to. constructive, you pay somewhat for the provider from the distant places financial employer and you pay yet another bit for the banks to alter the distant places money for you. yet you sometimes get an extremely good fee on the distant places money conversion itself and supply up annoying approximately in spite of in case you're being ripped off. {You do could examine the language nicely sufficient to understand the ATM, of course.} the only worldwide places the place i don't try this are those the place i understand the line conversion fee is plenty greater constructive than the expert one. [Venezula is an occasion.] For those, i detect out which distant places substitute is suitable to hold [maximum in call for -- pounds, euros, US money, yen] and set up with my financial employer to hold that distant places money. {a be conscious -- stay away from undeniable green USD costs -- maximum foreigners like the greater moderen colored ones and crisp, new ones at that. they have had way too many counterfeits handed on them already.}
2006-04-04 17:07:00 UTC
3,780 lbs..... 14 lbs/stone

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