do you know any random facts?
2008-09-26 13:24:19 UTC
spiders have clear blood
pandas are the size of a stick of butter when theyre born
after you die your hair still grows for a couple of months
any other random useless things you know?
Eleven answers:
2008-09-26 13:57:50 UTC
Tasmanian devil babies( joeys) who do not make it to the mother's nipple, are eaten by the mother

People do not see what they are not looking for.

Sugar is more addictive than alcohol

Stress causes ulcers because stress increases stomach acids, eventually burning through the wall of the stomach

Elephants only have 4 teeth
2008-09-26 13:46:02 UTC
If you drop a penny off the Empire State building and lands on someone head, it could go through.

An ant can carry 20 times its weight

The Earth is 93.5 million miles away from the sun

The weight of all Americans is less than one fiftieth of the insects

Scorpions can live for more than a year without eating
2008-09-26 23:43:52 UTC
Actually, you hair doesn't keep on growing once you die. It's your skin that shrivells up and makes you hair look like it is growing.

- Cleopatra actually looked like a man.

- Queen Elizabeth I had black teeth for most of her life.

- Elvis Presly died with his head in his vomit.

- Cockoraches can make themselves as thin as paper, that they can fit into the tiniest cracks.

- Some people in Japan eat the heart of a frog that is still beating.

- Pee is good for your skin.

- Minerals from rocks are the reason the sea is salty.

- Mice are the smartest animals.

- Elephants visit their dead relatives each year.
2008-09-26 13:43:28 UTC
Let's see:

A flamingo can only swallow with their head upseide down

A rat can't vomit

The tallest mountain in the world is not Mt. Everest, but Mauna Kea on the island of Hawaii. Everest is the highest because its measured from sea level but Mauna Kea is measured from the ocean floor.

The "C" in J.C. Penny stands for Cash

The number 40 in "wd-40" is the 40th formula the inventor tried before he got it right. Water displacer...40th formula

The lines in corduroy pants are called wales

In Roman Empire gladiator times, the death of a gladiator was signaled by a thumb enclosed inside a fist and not a thumbs down like many believe.

Mark Twain, whose real name was Samuel Clemens, got his pen name by stealing it from a river captain in New Orleans

The only ten letter word you can type using only the top keys of a typewriter is "typewriter"

For every kernel of corn on the cob, there's a little hair

Numbers on calculators used to be setup like they are on the phone but way back when the operators used to place the calls people who worked with calculators alot used to dial the phone numbers so fast the operators couldn't keep up. So, the phone people got together with the calculator people and agreed that the numbers on calculators would go from bottom to top. That way even if someone was very proficent with using calculators, they would have to "think another way" when dialing the phone.

A frog dropped in a pot of boiling will jump right out. But a frog put into a pot of mild water that is slowly brought to a boil will cook himself to death.

What color was the sky in Ancient Greece? Bronze.

There is no word for "blue" in ancient greek

What color is water? Blue....really, it's blue. A very faint shade of blue but blue nonetheless. You can see it when you look at a frozen water fall or look down a hole of snow to a pool below.

I'd tell you some more but my hands are tired
2008-09-26 13:45:54 UTC
Slinky was patented in 1947 by Richard James

The first lock stitch sewing machine was invented in 1846

Bootleggers used to put lye bleach embalming in their moonshine

The Mason Dixon line was named after Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon

M & M used to be in C- rations

Rin Tin Tin was the first furry matinee idol .He was rescued from a World War 1 trench and taken to Hollywood by Cap. Lee Duncan
2008-09-26 13:29:01 UTC
There are 12 temperate/climate zones on Earth - eleven of them exist on the Big Island of Hawaii.
2008-09-26 13:28:36 UTC
If you pour hard alcohol on a scorpion's back it will go crazy and sting itself to death.

When you have a glass of champagne, you can drop a raisin in it and the raisin will bounce up and down in the champagne continuously.

Peripheral vision is in black and white. Your brain adds the color.
2008-09-26 13:34:41 UTC
I didn't know tiger's peed while they ran????

Goldfish have a memory span of 3 seconds

Ostriches eyes are bigger then their brains

Cats have 32 muscles in each ear
2008-09-26 13:29:27 UTC
tiger shoot pee at 40 miles an hour

three toed sloth take 52 dumps in a year
2008-09-26 13:33:07 UTC
-Cockroaches are cleaner than flies.

-The U.S. is not a democracy.

-The sea level of the Pacific and Atlantic are different.
2008-09-30 09:46:15 UTC
A flea can jump up to 13 inches which is about 200 times the length of its own body. This would equate to a 900 foot jump by a six-foot man!

The Starbucks coffee chain is named after the first mate, Starbuck, in Herman Melville’s classic novel, ‘Moby Dick.’

The very first fast food chain to introduce a drive up service window was Jack In the Box in 1951.

On average, Americans consume 350 slices of pizza per second.

There are over 14 TRILLION UNUSED flyer MILES (most of us know why).

The Hundred Years War lasted 116 years.

Panama Hats are made in Ecuador.

Catgut comes from sheep and horses.

Russians celebrate the October Revolution in November.

A camel's hair brush is made of squirrel fur.

The Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean are named after dogs.

A purple finch is actually crimson.

Georgia is the only U.S. state named after a king – England's King George II. Georgia’s nickname, ‘The Peach State,’ may be a misnomer. Both California (#1) and South Carolina (#2) each produce more peaches annually than Georgia (#3).

The state of Wyoming is named after the Wyoming Valley in northeastern Pennsylvania. The anglicized name ‘Wyoming’ is derived from the Lenni Lenape (later called the Delaware by English settlers) Indian language and their words ‘maughwau,’ meaning 'large,' and ‘wama,’ meaning 'plains.' Wyoming is also the least populous state in the U.S. ranking #50.

Oklahoma earned its unusual nickname, the ‘Sooner State,’ because of the Oklahoma Land Rush of 1889. When more than 50,000 people waited for the starting gun to stake their homesteading claims in the Oklahoma Territory in the Oklahoma Land Rush, some land-hungry and too eager settlers left before the starting gun, i.e., jumped the gun, and rushed in to take and claim their stake to land before everyone else. These ‘cheaters’ were quickly nicknamed ‘sooners’ in that they left ‘too soon.’ The University of Oklahoma sports teams are also nicknamed the ‘Sooners.’ Strange but true!

The MOST densely populated state in the U.S. is New Jersey with an average of 1,143.9 people per square mile.

The LEAST densely populated state in the U.S. is Alaska with an average of 1.1 people per square mile.

Alaska has 33,904 miles of coastline.

Kaskaskia, Illinois, Illinois' first state capital, is WEST of the Mississippi River. The rest of Illinois lies EAST of the Mississippi River.

The Cincinnati, Ohio airport is in Kentucky.

Approximately 37% or almost 4 out of 10 people in the U.S. live within 100 miles of the coast.


50% of the U.S. population who file income taxes report annual income of less than $30,000 which leads us to the next fact…..

50% of those people who pay income taxes contribute only a little over 3% of the overall revenues collected by the IRS .

.5% (1/2 of 1 percent) of the U.S. population has adjusted gross incomes over $500,000.

The richest 1% of the people in the U.S. earn 21.2% of the total overall income of all wage earners.

Los Alamos, NM has the highest percentage of millionaires in the U.S. (9.7% of its residents are millionaires)

Fed Ex delivers 6,000,000, (6 million) packages a day

New Hampshire has the highest per capita consumption of spirits - 3.6 gallons per person annually, on average.

North Dakota has the highest per capita consumption of beer.

Residents of the District of Columbia have the highest per capita consumption of wine (no surprise here).

West Virginia has the LOWEST per capita consumption of wine.

Utah, ‘Mormon Country,’ has the LOWEST per capita consumption of both spirits and beer. (no surprise here)

The United States is the third most populous country but its 300,000,000+ residents represent slightly less than 5% of the world’s 6.35 billion people.

Americans spend an average 38 hours a year sitting in traffic that wastes an estimated 26 gallons of gasoline per person – Los Angeles metropolitan drivers waste the most gas sitting in traffic for 78 hours per year.

Americans, on average, spend 18% of their income on transportation as compared to only 13% spent on food.

The wife is the sole wage earner in 4% of those married couples with children.


SOURCE for the above section that is bracketed in asterisks: Time magazine’s ‘America by the Numbers’ issue

Seven Lego sets are sold every second by retailers worldwide.

80% of all the wine consumed in the U.S. is consumed by 11% of those people who drink alcoholic beverages.

Bourbon is the official spirit of the United States by Act of Congress. In 1964, a congressional resolution protected the term ‘bourbon’ and only since then has the product been defined. There are two general sub types of bourbon: ‘ryed’ and ‘wheated.’ Ryed bourbons are bold and spicy. Wheated bourbons are smooth, mellow and easy to drink.

Chicago, Illinois has the most bars per capita of any major city.

Every 105 minutes, on average, there is an accident with a motor vehicle and a train at a grade crossing somewhere in the world. (Driver impatience and inattention are the most frequent causes of these crashes. And, almost needless to say, you are 40 times more likely to die in an accident with a train than you are in an accident with another motor vehicle.)

According to a study by the nation's largest auto insurer, most accidents occur between 3 PM and 6 PM on Fridays.

According to a Paul Harvey broadcast and various web sources, a study of 40 groups/occupations showed that the WORST drivers are students (#1), followed by medical doctors (#2), then lawyers (#3), architects (#4) and real estate agents (#5). The BEST drivers in this study were homemakers (#5), politicians (#4), pilots (#3), firemen (#2) and the best drivers…………….FARMERS (#1). (I agree. I can’t recall the last time I saw a head on collision that involved two tractors :) :):))

Walmart is the second largest employer is the U.S. (The U.S. Government is #1).

Annually, more steel in the U.S. is used to make bottle caps than is used in the manufacture of automobiles. (SOURCE: History Channel – Modern Marvels – STEEL)

The very first VIDEO CONFERENCE telephone call was made in 1927 by President Herbert ‘A chicken in every pot’ Hoover from his office in Washington, DC to New York City.

The most-lopsided game in the history of college football occurred on October 7, 1916 when the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets met the Cumberland College (now University) Bulldogs of Tennessee. Final score: Georgia Tech - 222 Cumberland College - 0

The very first televised football game, pro or college, took place in Triboro Stadium at Randall’s Island, New York on September 30, 1939 when the Fordham University Rams of New York defeated the Waynesburg College (now University) Yellow Jackets of Pennsylvania by a score of 34-7. The 153-pound Bobby Brooks of Waynesburg made TV sports history that day when he ran 63 yards for the very first televised touchdown.

The average length of a player’s career in the NFL is 3 ½ years.

The honeybee is the only insect that produces food for humans and is directly responsible for approximately 1/3 of our crop bearing plants. (Honeybees, for some unknown reason, are slowly dwindling in numbers and no one knows why – yet. This is a very serious problem.)

The only venomous WATER snake in the U.S. is the cottonmouth snake that is indigenous to the deep-south. It got its name from the fact that the inside of its mouth is as ‘white as cotton.’

The official language of Brazil is Portuguese

80% of all the lead used in the USA is contained in car batteries

Chinese gooseberries are from New Zealand.

James A. Garfield, one of four U.S. Presidents who was assassinated (in 1881), often entertained his houseguests with his parlor trick of SIMULTANEOUSLY writing classic Greek with his right hand and writing in classic Latin with his left hand. (Don’t try this in your home.)

The ‘black boxes’ in commercial airplanes are orange.

21% of all American households own FIVE pets or more (60% of households own at least one pet.)

American women, on average, spend 55 minutes a day getting showered, dressed, and groomed.

Diners Club issued the very first credit card in 1950 but it was not plastic. It was printed on heavy cardstock. BankAmerica issued the first bank credit card, BankAmericard (now VISA), in 1958.

The average American has 9 credit cards (bank, store, gas, etc.)

Out of every $100 the average American spends, $40 is charged to credit cards.

1 in every 100 American ADULTS is now in jail or prison (91% are male and 9% female)

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.