MATH GENIOUS click on it!!?
2006-02-14 11:07:48 UTC
How genious are you in math? Answer this:
If a robot runs 64 mph in the 1st hour, 32 mph in the 2nd hour, 16 mph in the 3rd hour & this way runs every next hour at half speed as the previous, How long would it take it to pass 256 miles if it keeps running this way?

* mph = miles per hour
[If you feel dizzy or your calculator fails, then buzz off!]
Six answers:
2006-02-16 19:15:10 UTC
Because the robot gets slower by every hour, after going 64 miles in the first hour, the Robot will never be able to go further than the highest number before 64 again. Therefore, the Robot can only travel as far as the highest number below 128 miles.
2006-02-14 11:18:28 UTC
the robot will never even reach 128 miles, as that is the limit the function approaches as it moves toward infinity.
Made in America
2006-02-15 06:25:56 UTC
Impossible to calculate because the batteries wouldn't last that long.
curious georgette
2006-02-14 17:37:38 UTC
It will tak 397683945023495829102968439202 hours.
2006-02-14 11:10:33 UTC
Silly man, ROBOTS don't run.
2006-02-14 12:03:51 UTC
you will never make it

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.