What are the most interesting facts you know?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
What are the most interesting facts you know?
25 answers:
2008-03-14 20:05:16 UTC
Celsius and Fahrenheit scales are exactly the same at -40.
2008-03-14 18:51:12 UTC
The US American Flag is folded in a triangle to remind us of the founding fathers of our country Their hats were in a trianagle shape in the 1700s. George Washington was the only President that never lived in the White House. Only two US Presidents are buried in Arlington (Kennedy and Taft). The last names of the Vice Presidents who took office because the US President was assassinated (Lincoln and Kennedy) was Johnson.
2008-03-14 18:16:56 UTC
A strand of a spider web is as strong as a metal wire that is the same width.
2008-03-14 18:16:28 UTC
That every human being dreams at least 5 times every night. And they will normally only remember 1 and if you're lucky 2. I find it interesting xD
2008-03-14 18:15:59 UTC
the earth is flat

&the Ecuadorian Island "Galapagos"is unique no other one alike in the world the animals arent afraid of you and they have unique characteristics
2008-03-14 18:15:40 UTC
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ!
2008-03-14 18:15:34 UTC
The government sets a strict limit on the amount of rat hairs allowed in a jar of peanut butter.
2008-03-14 23:04:41 UTC
Elephant is the only animal who can't jump.

It is almost impossible to keep our eyes open while sneezing.

Our heart is LEFT in our body, but is always RIGHT.
2008-03-14 19:27:06 UTC
flamingos are pink due the shrimp they eat along with other weeds and plants
Experto Credo
2008-03-14 19:32:21 UTC
The black box on an airplane is orange

The purple finch is rose colored

The 100-years war took 116 years

german silver has no silver in it

Chinese gooseberries come from New Zealand

panama hats come from Guatemala

India ink comes from Egypt

The peanut is neither a nut nor a pea

The Woodstock music festival never occured at Woodstock NY

The Battle of Bunker Hill was fought on Breed's Hill

Everything you know is wrong
2016-05-29 14:26:28 UTC
Even though Reykjavik,Iceland is only 200 miles south of the Arctic Circle, it has never recorded a temperature below 14 degrees fahrenheit.That's because the Gulf Stream in the Atlantic modifies the climate in Iceland. Antarctica is considered a desert! Even though it's brutally cold, it receives little precip. in a year. You can actually snow ski in Hawaii in the winter on top of Mt. Halekalala(spelling?) The world's hottest temp. ever recorded was 136 in LIbya, the second highest was 134 in Death Valley,CA. Both of those occurrerd about 80 years ago. Nina Hartley, a beautiful and famous adult film star, graduated top honors from UC Berkeley in 1984 before her film career. The Atacama Desert in South America is the world's driest place even though it's along the Pacific coast.It averages a few inches of rain every century! Marilyn Vos Savant, with an IQ of 228, is the world's smartest person. Despite his success and wealth, Bill Gates dropped out of college. The highest and lowest points in the continental US are only 80 miles apart-Mt.Whitnety at 14,000 feet and a point in Death Valley at -282 feet below sea level. The word sanction has two opposing meanings when used as a noun and verb.As a noun it means penalty.As a verb it means to approve. There are palm trees growing outside in southwestern British Columbia,Canada near Vancouver and Victoria. The sun is closer to the earth in winter than in summer believe it or not.Why is winter colder? Because the earth's tilt receives less sunlight in the winter. The Bristlecone pine trees in the Sierra Nevadas of CA are the world's oldest organism at 4600 years old. The Maybach 62S is the world's most expensive new car at $426,000 dollars.Even more than a Rolls Royce! Most Icelanders speak 5 or 6 languages fluently. Camarillo,CA, where I grew uo, was nominated by National Geographic in the 60's as having the world's best climate. A lot of people tend to think Hawaii, but Camarillo's weather can't be beat. In 1977, it snowed south of Miami. Bermuda has the world's northernmost coral reef. The Great Barrier Reef can be seen from the moon. A couple of weeks ago, it snowed in Baghdad for the first time, a rare tornado struck near Portland,OR and an unheard of Jan. tornado hit near Milwaukee,WI. Las Vegas means the meadows in Spanish. Today it means lost wages-lol! English became the world's international language after England won The Battle of Trafalgar against Spain and FRance for control over trade routes.That's why English is the world language of business. The Koala Bear is not a bear.I think it's a marsupial. The internet was established in 1969, but it was only used by scientists and researchers.The world wide web was founded in 1991 by a Swiss scientist. Cancer is actually considered 100 different diseases and not a single disease.
2008-03-14 19:29:28 UTC
I am the very model of a modern Major-General,

I've information vegetable, animal, and mineral,

I know the kings of England, and I quote the fights historical,

From Marathon to Waterloo, in order categorical;

I'm very well acquainted too with matters mathematical,

I understand equations, both the simple and quadratical,

About binomial theorem I'm teeming with a lot o' news---

With many cheerful facts about the square of the hypotenuse.

I'm very good at integral and differential calculus,

I know the scientific names of beings animalculous;

In short, in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral,

I am the very model of a modern Major-General.

I know our mythic history, King Arthur's and Sir Caradoc's,

I answer hard acrostics, I've a pretty taste for paradox,

I quote in elegiacs all the crimes of Heliogabalus,

In conics I can floor peculiarities parablous.

I can tell undoubted Raphaels from Gerard Dows and Zoffanies,

I know the croaking chorus from the Frogs of Aristophanes,

Then I can hum a fugue of which I've heard the music's din afore,

And whistle all the airs from that infernal nonsense Pinafore.

Then I can write a washing bill in Balylonic cuneiform,

And tell you every detail of Caractacus's uniform;

In short, in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral,

I am the very model of a modern Major-General.

In fact, when I know what is meant by "mamelon" and "ravelin",

When I can tell at sight a chassepôt rifle from a javelin,

When such affairs as sorties and surprises I'm more wary at,

And when I know precisely what is meant by "commissariat",

When I have learnt what progress has been made in modern gunnery,

When I know more of tactics than a novice in a nunnery:

In short, when I've a smattering of elemental strategy,

You'll say a better Major-General has never sat a gee---

For my military knowledge, though I'm plucky and adventury,

Has only been brought down to the beginning of the century;

But still in matters vegetable, animal, and mineral,

I am the very model of a modern Major-General.
2008-03-14 18:34:26 UTC
1. that a long time ago the whole earth was one huge piece of land. over time gravity pulls the continents farther and farther away. in like 2 billion years the continents will be completely switched in position.

2.there is scientific proof that there are two theories that will happen in the future, the universe will keep getting bigger because the big bang was so big the universe is still affected by it, or the world will go back to what it was before the big bang called the big crunch.

3.that because the universe is so big, there is a possibility that there are duplicities of the milky way, earth, and even us! and if there are, at all times you are right because whatever you do your duplicated do the opposite.
2008-03-14 18:17:32 UTC
- The Galapagos Tortise is the largest, longest living tortise in existence.

- The dust under your bed is actually dead skin.

- A humming bird flaps its wings a hundred times a second and is the only bird able to fly backwards.

- Male dolphins are known to gang rape female dolphins

-Goat Testicles are considered a delecasy in some countries
2008-03-14 18:20:56 UTC
That all matter is in the universe is attracted to each other, for example the matter that you consist on has a pull on planets that are a quintillion light years away. electrons have recently been found to have the ability to teleport, as in to go from point A to point C without ever passing through point B.
2008-03-15 10:10:45 UTC
that most or all of the irridum inclusions found around the world were form the biggie comet blast I meant to stick crystals in there but the coffee ha dnt kicked in yet, this is hopeless, im getting off line talt to yall later
2008-03-16 09:13:00 UTC
The average human being swallows about 8 spiders per lifetime in their sleep.
2008-03-15 11:54:37 UTC
if you fold a $20 bill in the right way, you get a picture of 9/11
2008-03-14 18:18:38 UTC
Barney is from Texas

Earthworms have five hearts

The lion costume in the film WIZARD OF OZ was made from real lions
2008-03-14 18:20:49 UTC
Archimedes came up with pi over 2000 years ago. I find that amazing.
2008-03-14 18:15:07 UTC
You can buy land on Mars for 10 cents/acre
mook b
2008-03-15 10:38:57 UTC
That according to Evans facts, snails and earthworms can jump.
2008-03-14 18:21:49 UTC
here are animal facts I know..

I wrote them with my daughter -we had fun seeing if their was an animal for every letter of the alphabet and then added some facts
2008-03-14 20:32:47 UTC
The best fact ino - IS SCHOOL SUCKS
2008-03-17 06:40:01 UTC
Some useful…. some not……..some interesting and some you have probably seen before…

The Starbucks coffee chain is named after the first mate, Starbuck, in Herman Melville’s classic novel, ‘Moby Dick.’

The very first fast food chain to introduce a drive up service window was Jack In the Box in 1951.

The Hundred Years War lasted 116 years.

Panama Hats are made in Ecuador.

Catgut comes from sheep and horses.

A camel's hair brush is made of squirrel fur.

The Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean are named after dogs.

A purple finch is actually crimson.

Georgia is the only U.S. state named after a king – England's King George II. Georgia’s nickname, The Peach State,’ may be a misnomer. Both California (#1) and South Carolina (#2) each produce more peaches annually than Georgia (#3).

Oklahoma earned its unusual nickname, the ‘Sooner State,’ because of the Oklahoma Land Rush of 1889. When more than 50,000 people waited for the starting gun to stake their homesteading claims in the Oklahoma Territory in the Oklahoma Land Rush, some land-hungry and too eager settlers left before the starting gun, i.e., jumped the gun, and rushed in to take and claim their stake to land before everyone else. These ‘cheaters’ were quickly nicknamed ‘sooners’ in that they left ‘too soon.’ The University of Oklahoma sports teams are also nicknamed the ‘Sooners.’ Strange but true!

The MOST densely populated state in the U.S. is New Jersey with an average of 1,143.9 people per square mile.

The LEAST densely populated state in the U.S. is Alaska with an average of 1.1 people per square mile.

Alaska has 33,904 miles of coastline.

Kaskaskia, Illinois, Illinois' first state capital, is WEST of the Mississippi River. The rest of Illinois lies EAST of the Mississippi River.

The Cincinnati, Ohio airport is in Kentucky.

Approximately 37% or almost 4 out of 10 people in the U.S. live within 100 miles of the coast.


50% of the U.S. population who file income taxes report annual income of less than $30,000 which leads us to the next fact…..

50% of those people who pay income taxes contribute only a little over 3% of the overall revenues collected by the IRS .

.5% (1/2 of 1 percent) of the U.S. population has adjusted gross incomes over $500,000.

The richest 1% of the people in the U.S. earn 21.2% of the total overall income of all wage earners.

Los Alamos, NM has the highest percentage of millionaires in the U.S. (9.7% of its residents are millionaires)

On an average daily basis in America alone:

88,163 Apple iPods are purchased

35,079,448 12-ounce bottles / cans of Bud Light beer are purchased

8,179,726 20-ounce bottles of Aquafina bottled water are purchased

50,051,507 12-ounce cans of Pepsi are purchased

2,400,000 Burger King Whoppers are consumed.

58,863,993 eggs are purchased

443,650 servings of Burger King large fries are consumed

93,000 jars of Ragu Old World Style spaghetti sauce are purchased

210,720 30-ounce jars of Hellmann’s Real mayonnaise are purchased

1,852,516 bars of Dove Soap are purchased

87,431 Slim-Fast multi-pack Shakes are purchased

628 Toyota Camry 4 cylinder LEs are sold

300,000 packages of Pampers are purchased

20,826 Dell notebook computers are purchased

536,000 Domino’s pepperoni pizzas are purchased

500,000 Hostess Twinkies are purchased

1,900,000 Krispy Crème original glazed donuts are purchased

125,000 Barbie Dolls are purchased

160,968 bottles of ABSOLUT vodka are purchased

978,030 bags of Orville Redenbacher’s Gourmet Popping Corn are purchased

568,765 Titleist golf balls are purchased

110 Head Radical tennis racquets are purchased

Fed Ex delivers 6,000,000, (6 million) packages a day

New Hampshire has the highest per capita consumption of spirits - 3.6 gallons per person annually, on average.

North Dakota has the highest per capita consumption of beer.

Residents of the District of Columbia have the highest per capita consumption of wine (no surprise here).

West Virginia has the LOWEST per capita consumption of wine.

Utah, ‘Mormon Country,’ has the LOWEST per capita consumption of both spirits and beer. (no surprise here)

Americans spend an average 38 hours a year sitting in traffic that wastes an estimated 26 gallons of gasoline per person – Los Angeles metropolitan drivers waste the most gas sitting in traffic for 78 hours per year.

Americans, on average, spend 18% of their income on transportation as compared to only 13% spent on food.

The wife is the sole wage earner in 4% of those married couples with children.


SOURCE for the above section that is bracketed in asterisks: Time magazine’s ‘America by the Numbers’ issue

Seven Lego sets are sold every second by retailers worldwide.

80% of all the wine consumed in the U.S. is consumed by 11% of those people who drink alcoholic beverages.

Bourbon is the official spirit of the United States by Act of Congress. In 1964, a congressional resolution protected the term ‘bourbon’ and only since then has the product been defined. There are two general sub types of bourbon: ‘ryed’ and ‘wheated.’ Ryed bourbons are bold and spicy. Wheated bourbons are smooth, mellow and easy to drink.

Every 105 minutes, on average, there is an accident with a motor vehicle and a train at a grade crossing somewhere in the world. (Driver impatience and inattention are the most frequent causes of these crashes. And, almost needless to say, you are 40 times more likely to die in an accident with a train than you are in an accident with another motor vehicle.)

According to a study by the nation's largest auto insurer, most accidents occur between 3 PM and 6 PM on Fridays.

According to a Paul Harvey broadcast and various web sources, a study of 40 groups/occupations showed that the WORST drivers are students (#1), followed by medical doctors (#2), then lawyers (#3), architects (#4) and real estate agents (#5). The BEST drivers in this study were homemakers (#5), politicians (#4), pilots (#3), firemen (#2) and the best drivers…………….FARMERS (#1). (I agree. I can’t recall the last time I saw a head on collision that involved two tractors :) :):))

Walmart is the second largest employer is the U.S. (The U.S. Government is #1).

Annually, more steel in the U.S. is used to make bottle caps than is used in the manufacture of automobiles. (SOURCE: History Channel – Modern Marvels – STEEL)

The very first VIDEO CONFERENCE telephone call was made in 1927 by President Herbert ‘A chicken in every pot’ Hoover from his office in Washington, DC to New York City.

The most-lopsided game in the history of college football occurred on October 7, 1916 when the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets met the Cumberland College (now University) Bulldogs of Tennessee. Final score: Georgia Tech - 222 Cumberland College - 0

The very first televised football game, pro or college, took place in Triboro Stadium at Randall’s Island, New York on September 30, 1939 when the Fordham University Rams of New York defeated the Waynesburg College (now University) Yellow Jackets of Pennsylvania by a score of 34-7. The 153-pound Bobby Brooks of Waynesburg made TV sports history that day when he ran 63 yards for the very first televised touchdown.

The average length of a player’s career in the NFL is 3 ½ years.

Honeybees are the only insects that produce food for humans and are directly responsible for approximately 1/3 of our crop bearing plants. (Honeybees, for some unknown reason, are disappearing. This is a very serious problem, indeed.)

The only venomous WATER snake in the U.S. is the cottonmouth snake that is indigenous to the deep south. It got its name from the fact that the inside of its mouth is as ‘white as cotton.’

The official language of Brazil is Portuguese

80% of all the lead used in the USA is contained in car batteries

Chinese gooseberries are from New Zealand.

James A. Garfield, one of four U.S. Presidents who was assassinated, often entertained his houseguests with his parlor trick of SIMULTANEOUSLY writing classic Greek with his right hand and writing in classic Latin with his left hand. (Don’t try this at home!)

The ‘black boxes’ in commercial airplanes are orange.

21% of all American households own FIVE pets or more (60% of households own at least one pet.)

American women, on average, spend 55 minutes a day getting showered, dressed, and groomed.

Diners Club issued the very first credit card in 1950 but it was not plastic. It was printed on heavy cardstock. BankAmerica issued the first bank credit card, BankAmericard (now Visa), in 1958.

The average American has 9 credit cards (bank, store, gas, etc.)

Out of every $100 the average American spends, $40 is charged to credit cards.

1 in every 100 American adults is now in jail or prison (91% are male and 9% female):

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.