What is the scarecrow's name in Wizard of Oz?
bj suzie
2006-02-23 09:51:57 UTC
What is the scarecrow's name in Wizard of Oz?
Four answers:
Master Maverick
2006-02-23 09:58:57 UTC
I don't think he had a name. Just "Scarecrow".
2006-02-23 09:59:39 UTC
scarecrow if you want to know the actor's name that played him it's Ray Bolger
2006-02-23 10:06:13 UTC
Ray Bolger played him in the well-known version of the film, and Michael Jackson played him in the later "The Wiz".

Fitting... MJ should have used his brains a little more...
2006-02-23 10:26:08 UTC
his name in the movie was just scarecrow...

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